One of our friends and a climbing comrade is in trouble. Lee Means is in the hospital and is fighting for his life. Literally.(little does he know WE have ALL decided already that he ain't going nowhere and IS HERE TO STAY!)
Ben Henson is much better with his words than I am, so please feel free to read in proper english here---> LeeMeans
Thanks to the wonderful medical program in our beloved country, B.O.A.T. (bend over and take it) Lee doesn't have health insurance and is very deeply in medical debt. There is no price for life and to help our friend out,Ben started a paypall account to raise some $ for our solder. As you know, any bit helps.
One of my customers at ninthstreetsepresso who chose to be unidentified, was so touched by Lee's story that he donated $20 to "Get Well Lee Fund". He said that if he could he would give thousands. We all would.
Climbing community is the best community EVER, please help our friend, be a friend

all love to everyone!
check Bens blog for more information: LeeMeansIsOurHero